Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

homemade chicken noodle soup

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup |  Hey Guys, welcome to Healthy Soup Recipe. How are you doing today? I hope you are doing great.

So guys are you tired of making the chicken noodle soup recipe in a typical boring way? and do you want some easy, tasty, and traditional recipe for it? 

Lucky you... Because today I am sharing the recipe which has the magic of my grandma's hands.

She has nearly 25 years of experience in making and inventing different chicken recipes. And she is the master of the kitchen.

She had made this chicken soup 20 years ago for the first time. but that time she wasn't using noodles in this soup. 

She was just making a bowl of clear but unexpectedly delicious chicken soup.

but a few years ago, once she was making this chicken noodle soup, her daughter (my mother) demanded her to put some noodles in the soup.

Firstly, my grandma denied doing so. but when my mother started to insist on her. Then she agreed for it.

I was closely looking at her how she was totally drowned in making that soup.

At that time, I considered her a world-famous chef who is making her masterpiece dish named chicken noodle soup recipe.

When the soup got ready and served in a bowl to us. we tasted it.

AAAH !!! trust me, my dear friends, we were like in heaven.

The soup was one in a million thing. Literally "ONE IN A MILLION"

Now she found that noodles actually enhance the chicken soup's taste and make it more delicious.

So she started to make this chicken soup with noodles. then she had changed the name of homemade chicken soup to homemade chicken noodle soup.

In this recipe, I am going to share the exact method that my grandma used to.

So, do not skip this recipe in any circumstances, otherwise, you will lose the extremely wholesome very healthy, and very tasty recipe.

About Chicken:

homemade chicken noodle soup

What Type Of Chicken?

Guys, you can take the chicken whatever you want to take. If you have last night's leftover chicken with you in your refrigerator, you can use it.

And even you can take the rotisserie chicken also. It is a great option.

Boneless OR With-Bones?

I recommend you. Take the boneless chicken.


because you want to consume soup, not rice. plus you are gonna add noodles in it, so just Imagine how the chicken bones will irritate you while you eating the soup.

Parts Of Chicken?

Friends, there are a lot of dishes out there that instruct us to take chicken thigh pieces in this homemade chicken noodle soup.

And they are, no doubt, absolutely delicious.

But my grandmother used to take pieces of chicken breast in this soup.

So, I also would suggest you, use chicken breast pieces in this soup.

Still, if you do not want to use it, it's cool. Take the thigh pieces and other pieces of the chicken. No problem at all : )

How To Process The Chicken?

Well, to process the chicken, you will need to cut them into fine strips.

What you need to do is, just take the chicken and remove the supreme. and just slit the chicken from between.

Now, cut the chicken into fine strips. do not allow it to be too longer pieces. keep it small.

keep in mind that chicken doesn't take too much time to cook. so keep it in small pieces.

About Noodles:

homemade chicken noodle soup

Which Type Of Noodles?

If you want to make this soup in a little different style of cooking, you can use the Ramen Noodles for this soup.

I have seen many chicken soups contain Ramen Noodles. This is a very interesting combination.

Plus, people even make Udon Chicken Noodle Soup also, isn't it interesting?

But, Today I am sharing about my granny's method of making the chicken noodle soup recipe.

She used to use Egg Noodles in this recipe. And actually, these are the very correct noodles for chicken soup.

So, you should take egg noodles for it.

One more thing,

If you can use the homemade noodles, nothing can be better than this.

Yes, try to make it at home. but If you can't manage at the time, do not worry. take it from the market.

Cooked Or Non-Cooked?

See, using uncooked noodles in this chicken noodle soup recipe will not give the taste as we want.

There is a method of making uncooked chicken noodles soup, but I believe using cooked noodles is better.

At least in THIS soup.

So I would suggest cooking the noodles just about 80 percent in the boiling water.

Just take a pot of water, add salt in it, and boil it. Now when the boiling starts, just gently add the uncooked noodles in this water.

Now simply cook it about 80 percent. Time-wise, umm... roughly 10 minutes.

That is all. Simple : )

About Vegetables:

homemade chicken noodle soup

Look, my friends, we are going to make this homemade chicken noodle soup fully packed with vegetables. So don't do any kind of stinginess in adding several veggies in the soup. Alright?

Because, as I said before, This easy chicken noodle soup will not compromise on the health.

So do not skip the vegetables:


There is no rule to add only a specific type of mushrooms. you can add whatever you will have in your kitchen.

You can add Shitake, Oyster, Cremini, and Even Portobello Mushrooms in it.

My suggestion is, add The Button Mushrooms. Because they are easy to get.


If you do not have carrots with you in your kitchen, then you have 2 options -

Either you go to the market and bring some fresh carrots for this recipe Or simply drop the idea of making this recipe for today.

Just Kidding ; )

What I am trying to say is carrots are VERY, VERY, VERY IMPORTANT for the chicken noodle soup recipe. So try to get the carrots anyhow.

You can cut them into dices, round shapes, and even cut them into julienne.

Juliennes works great, by the way.


Look, Brocolli is optional in it. But I think, you should add broccoli. because the small pieces of broccoli are really enjoyable in the mouth while eating this soup.

If you are going to put broccoli in it, then cut them into very small pieces. like very small. alright?


Onions are necessary for this soup. Actually, they bind the other vegetables altogether. and we get that nice and yummy chewable material in the soup.

You will need roughly chopped onion for this chicken noodle soup recipe. you can cut them into dices.


Guys, celery gives a very nice flavor to this homemade chicken noodle soup. so If you want you can add this in it.

You will need about 4 celery ribs for this. Just cut them into long strips.


You will need Fresh Ginger for this recipe. You need to cut the ginger finely. or you can cut them into julienne also.

So it is totally upon you.

Now you must be asking,

"What Ingredients Do I Need for Chicken Noodle Soup?"

So, my dear friends, we are about to go through the entire ingredients list. so let's go

Here it is ...

Ingredients For Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup:

homemade chicken noodle soup

#1. Onion: 1, Large, Chopped, and Diced.

#2. Carrots: 2, Large, Chopped, or Julienne.

#3. Broccoli: 1/4 Cup, Finely Chopped.

#4. Mushrooms: 7-8, Medium, Sliced. (Button Mushrooms)

#5. Chicken: Breast Pieces, 2 Cups, Cut Into Strips.

Note: If you using thigh pieces then take about 5-6 boneless, and skinless pieces.

#6. Noodles: Egg Noodles, 2 Cups, Boiled. (take homemade if possible)

#7. Celery: 4 Ribs, Cut Into Long Strips.

#8. Chicken Stock: 8 Cups, Low In Sodium. (take homemade stock if possible)

#9. Fresh Red Chilies: 4, Cut Into Slivers. (can be reduced)

#10. Garlic: 4-5 Cloves, Crushed or Minced.

#11. Ginger: 1 Inch, finely chopped, or Julienne.

#12. Coriander Leaves: Few Springs.

#13. White Pepper Powder: One And A Half Teaspoon, Or As Per Per The Requirement.

#14. Cornstarch Slurry: 4 Teaspoon, or As Per The Requirement.

#15. Soy Sauce: 2-3 Teaspoon (Optional)

#16. Sesame Oil: 2 Teaspoon

#17. Fresh Thyme: 3 Springs, (Instead 1/2 Tbsp Dried Thyme can be used also.)

#18. Spring Onions: Green Part (For Garnishing)

#19. Ghee or Butter: 2 Tablespoon. (Ghee Is Recommended)

#20. Oregano: For Garnishing (Optional)

#21. Salt: As per the requirement.

#22. Water or More stock: As Needed.

That is all, guys. These are the ingredients that easy to get.

You do not need any kind of special herb which is only grow on a specific mountain.

So happy now?

Now let us just dive into the method of making this easy chicken soup.

Let me tell you how to make this very special grandma's homemade chicken noodle soup from scratch.

How To Make Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup From Scratch?

So once you have all your ingredients in plates let's quickly make this soup it's very simple to make.

homemade chicken noodle soup

Step #1.

To make this quick chicken noodle soup, you will need to take a little deeper pan or pot. then place it on the gas.

First, you will start off with some chicken stock in the pan. The chicken stock or broth needs to come to a boil. higher the gas and simmer it well.

Step #2.

While the chicken stock is getting boiled. You can cut your chicken breast as I tell you above. cut it into strips.

So when the stock starts boiling, now the chicken that you have cut simply add all of it in the stock. and just give it a nice, gentle mix.

Note: The Chicken Breast doesn't take too long to cook. it takes about 10 minutes.

And the soup itself would be ready in about 12 to 15 minutes. of course if you have all your preparations ready.

Step #3.

At this time, you will have to add a very important thing in the stock and that is Garlic. very little garlic. this also you need to chop.

The garlic should be chopped well. you can even put minced garlic.

Pro Tip: You see, the garlic if it is finely chopped, it can very well go into the soup without being sauteed. so the light raw flavor of garlic will really enhance the flavor of the homemade chicken noodle soup.

You added the chicken, and garlic, now you have to thicken the soup a little bit by adding a cornstarch slurry.

To do so, take a little bit of chicken stock in a small cup and add some cornstarch in it. now mix, mix, mix well.

Tip: Before adding the slurry, If your soup is getting a white layer of something on it, then you have to remove that. Use a spoon to simply discard the layer.

Cook it for 3-4 Minutes on Medium-High flame.

Step #4.

Okay, so now is the time to add the cornstarch slurry. Add this slurry in the soup a little bit, and as soon as you add slurry in the soup make sure you are mixing this very well so that the soup starts thickening.

Remember, if you don't mix it well, it will going to surely form the lumps in the soup.

You don't need to thicken the soup too much.

The slightly thickened homemade chicken noodle soup is what you need, don't you?

Step #5.

Once the soup will get thicken, then apart from the chicken, you can simply add whatever vegetables you want to add in this homemade chicken soup.

firstly, you should add some sliced mushrooms here. why am I telling to add mushrooms after adding cornstarch slurry?

Look, It's basically because, the mushrooms, they already have a lot of their own moisture in them.

So they will leave their moisture in the stock and if the soup is a little too thick, it'll make it just perfect to have. so you should add mushrooms here first.

Step #6.


Now you add some Carrots in the soup. mix this well after you add the Carrots.

You can add all the vegetables together in the soup now. Simply add Onions, Broccoli, Celery, and other vegetables of your choice.

(Frozen Vegetable will do a great job such as peas and corns.)

After adding the veggies, add the fresh red chilies in the soup. mix it well again. The slivered red chilies must be added.

Now cook it for a couple of minutes.

Step #7.

Okay, after adding fresh chilies you will add some salt in the soup. you haven't added any salt as of now, have you?

So add some salt here. and with it, you will add White Pepper Powder here.

Step #8.

Now you will introduce some soy sauce in the soup. No need to put it too much.

soy sauce is completely optional by the way. just in case if you want, you can skip it.

Now after you add soy sauce just mix this well.

Tip: At this time, if you feel your soup is too thick, you could just adjust the consistency by adding some more chicken stock in the soup.

Step #9.

Put some fresh thyme now. you can use dried thyme instead. And with the thyme, add some finely chopped ginger in the soup. Ginger Juliennes are recommended.

cook it for 1 minute, meanwhile do not stop to mix it.

Step #10.

So what more do you have to add here? you will add some coriander leaves.

So take some fresh coriander and just roughly chop it.

Keep in mind that after adding the coriander do not cook the chicken noodle soup more further. otherwise, the coriander will turn blackish and it will not look good in the soup.

homemade chicken noodle soup

Step #11.

Now simply switch off the gas. You know what? your homemade chicken soup is almost done.

Wait... What? What About The Noodles?

Guys, after you have added all of the vegetables and the chicken in the soup, simply switch off the heat.


I know you have still not added the noodles in it. you won't add the noodles to the soup directly, but you will put it in the bowl in which you are going to serve the soup.

You will serve the soup like this. isn't this a very interesting idea? Yes, it is.

So your Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup is ready.

Do not worry guys, about the noodles I will tell you here down in...

How To Serve Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup?

Friends, before serving the soup, you need to prepare some garnishing for it.

All you need to do right now is cut 1 spring onion. you will just need the green part of the spring onions. cut them nicely. that is it.

you just need some for garnish.


Now to serve the soup you will need a Deep Bowl. Firstly, you put some noodles in the bowl.

Remember, as I said before, the noodles should be boiled in salted water first. because here we are not cooking the noodles. alright?

So the boiled noodles, you will put some in the bowl. And now you need to gently pour the smokey, hot, boiling chicken noodle soup over the noodles.

Aaaaah!!! I bet you will not forget the extraordinary smell of the soup while serving it.

Now, simply garnish it with very little sesame oil, and some spring onion greens.

Now here are some options:

  • Instead of the Sesame Oil, you can put the Butter on the soup.
  • Instead of the Butter, you should add the Pure Cow Ghee on it.

The choice is completely yours!

Apart from that, if you want you can add a little bit of Pizza Seasoning and The Oregano on this chicken soup.

Now it is time to serve the Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup piping hot.

So this was the easy chicken noodle soup recipe all the way for you.

More Soups:

Some Questions About Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

#1. What to serve with Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup?

Well, you can serve toasted bread or even sometimes non-toasted fresh bread from the bakery. Bread goes like a Divine with this soup.

But make sure you are using the Whole Wheat Bread, alright?

Slowly, steadily, just eat the bread and drink the hot soup at the same time.

It is the match that is made in heaven.

#2. Can I freeze this chicken noodle soup?

Yes, you can freeze it. But keep in mind that if you are using the leftover chicken in this soup recipe, then you should not freeze this soup.

It is possible that after freezing this soup, it would not give you the same taste as it gave at the time when you had made it.

But if you have made it with fresh chicken then you can freeze it without any guilt.

#3. Is it okay to put Pure Ghee on this easy chicken noodle soup?

Yes, Of course. Rather I recommend you put some ghee on this soup. because ghee is not fattening but chops down your fat instead.

So definitely use it.

#4. What can I add to my chicken noodle soup to enhance the flavor?

As I said earlier, to give this soup a little Chinese texture you can add just a little soy sauce on it. It can work great for you.

Or what you can do is, melt a little butter or ghee in a pan and add some fresh herbs like oregano, thyme, ground pepper, and basil.

Mix this sauteed herbs into the soup to add extra flavor to it.

#5. Do you cook the chicken before putting it in soup?

No need to do it, Because first of all, we are using the breast chicken. it doesn't take too long to cook. it can be cooked in the boiling broth or the stock.

You can also do one thing that, cook the whole breast and thigh chicken pieces in the broth or the stock. then remove them after 10-15 minutes of cooking.

And later you can add them while serving this soup with the noodles.

#6. What are the other options for this soup instead of the noodles?

Look, noodles work great in this soup. but if you don't have it at the moment. then you can use your favorite Pasta.

Yes, cook your favorite pasta in exactly the same way as noodles you would cook.


#7. When I make chicken noodle soup, why is it so salty?

It happens because of the stock or the broth.

You know, the stock already has its own sodium in it. and when you add more salt in the soup, it becomes salty.

So always remember while making the soup, either take the low sodium stock for the soup or just avoid putting more salt in the soup.

#8. Why is it recommended to use the homemade stock for the homemade chicken noodle soup?

It is because nothing is better than a homemade thing. especially in cooking.

homemade stock contains low- sodium, low-calories, no artificial flavors, and no unnecessary herbs.

And it is important to avoid those "stock cubes" which you put in the homemade stock.

#9. Can this easy chicken noodle soup be made with bone broth?

Yes, it can be made. Instead of the chicken stock yo can use the bone broth.

It goes well with the soup.

But do not forget to use only homemade bone broth. because again, it is a matter of your health.

Because after you, I am the one who really concerned about it : )

#10. Can I put some cheese in the homemade chicken noodle soup?

Um... It is totally upon you. but I feel you do not need it. This soup already has its own cheesy and thick flavor.

If you do not add any cheese in this soup, it will not really make any big impact anyway.

But if you want some cheesy flavor while enjoying this soup, simply put little cheese of your choice in the soup.

Final Words:

So, Guys, this was my grandma's homemade chicken noodle soup recipe from scratch.

Now, I know you may have seen many chicken noodle soup recipes similar to this all around the internet, I have also seen it.

But what is special in this recipe is that it has the magic of my granny's hand.

Okay... Forget the magic of my granny's hand if it is not impressing you.

But guys, please just once, at my request, try to make this chicken noodle soup recipe at home.

At least 1 time.

I bet you will not forget the taste of it. make it for your kids, for your husband, for your wife, for your in-laws, for your FAMILY, and they will love it for sure.

Kids actually like it more.

So you do not skip this soup in any circumstances.

And let me know was this recipe worth your attention really, or not? I am pretty sure that your answer will be in a positive manner.

Alright. I spoke enough, I mean I wrote enough.

So, it is your turn now. Let me know in the comments that are you gonna make this soup for you or not? or you don't have a specific ingredient to make it right now.

Please feel free to provide me any kind of questions, doubts, and suggestions in the comments section.

I will surely reply to you.

Now I am going to demand you something that I deserve.

If you like my recipes then you can share it with your friends and the loved ones so that they can also get benefits from Healthy Soup Recipes.

I am gonna come up with some more uncountable soup recipes here again. so make sure you bookmark my blog. alright?

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Grandma's Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe From Scratch