Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe

homemade chicken soup recipe

Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe| Hey Guys! How are you today? I hope you all are doing great. Guys, have you been bothered by searching the chicken soup recipe on the internet but have you still not found the right and easy way to make it?

Now please don't worry because today I have come up with a recipe that will definitely blow your mind. It is very easy to make.

It does not want a lot of ingredients. Plus the health benefits of this soup are virtually endless.

I learned how to make this chicken soup from my mother.

Oh!!! She is too good at making and inventing new chicken dishes. She once said that she wants to share this recipe with everyone.

But she found that this is not possible. But today I am sharing it with you guys. I hope you guys like it.

So now by not Wasting any more time, Let us go through the homemade chicken soup ingredients.

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Homemade Chicken Soup Ingredients:

homemade chicken soup recipe

21 Steps of Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe From Scratch [Healthy]

#1. Chicken:  200 Grams (With Bones)

#2. Carrot:  1 Medium (Roughly Chopped)

#3. Beans:  5-7

#4. Garlic:  5-6 Cloves Chopped

#5. Ginger:  1 Inch

#6. Corns:  Half Cup

#7. Spring Onions:  According to your need

#8. Spinach:  4-5 Leaves

#9. Egg:  1 (Whisked)

#10. Bay Leaves:  1 to 2

#11. Black Pepper:  According to your taste.

#12. Oil or Butter:  1 Tbsp

#13. Salt:  According to Taste

#14. Soy Sauce:  (Optional)

#15. Chilli Flakes:  (Optional)

#16. Coriander Leaves:  For Garnishing

Yes, That is all you need. These are the main ingredients of chicken soup. If you want to add some more vegetables into this recipe just put them into this soup.

The more vegetables you add to it, the more healthy this soup will become.

So, these are the total ingredients that I told you above. you will just need it to make the homemade chicken soup recipe from scratch. If you want to skip some ingredients from the list above you can skip.

But there is nothing to skip my friends. I mean, there is no harmful stuff in it. we are just using Chicken, some healthy Vegetables and Water. And for the flavor, we are using some spices.


But if there is something not suitable for you, or you are allergic to it, just do not use it.

21 Steps of Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe From Scratch [Healthy]

Important About The Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe:

Friends, before we go through the Directions or Instructions, I want to tell you something.

Whenever you take the chicken for this soup recipe. Try to get chicken with its bones. Do not take the Chicken Breasts or Boneless Chicken.

Hey, This is just a Suggestion. Do not take it too seriously. I mean, if you like boneless you can use it.

What I am trying to say is that, If you use the chicken with its bones in this easychicken soup recipe it will turn extremely healthy for you.

Basically, you need to take the cheap chicken pieces such as Chicken Neck, Chicken Wings, Chicken Cages, and The Back Bone.

You can tell your butcher so he can provide these pieces of chicken.

Benefits Of Chicken-Bones:

homemade chicken soup recipe from scratch
21 Steps of Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe From Scratch [Healthy]

Chicken bones are an extremely good source of multiple nutrients and minerals. Chicken bones contain a very good amount of collagen and some amino acids such as proline and glycine.

Collagen is known as gelatin when fully cooked. It is kind of a gum producing agent that holds our bones and joints together.


#1. It is very nutritious.

#2. It can protect the joints such as Elbows and Knees.

#3. It can endorse weight loss.

#4. It can help fight osteoarthritis.

#5. It can help with sleep.

#6. It can help reduce inflammation and heal the intestines.

Now let us not waste time anymore and...

Let us know how to make chicken soup at home

Here we go...

How To Make Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe From Scratch

homemade chicken soup recipe

Step #1.

Take a nice deep pressure cooker and put it on the gas. let it be heated.

"Guys, before making the soup you need to cook the chicken first. no no! you don't need to cook it completely at all, you just have to brown it a little bit."

Don't Skip this Step. Because it is very important for the soup. This process is known as The Maillard Reaction.

Step #2.

In the pressure Cooker. Put very little oil. You can skip the oil and replace it with butter.

I recommend that if possible then please use Pure Cow Ghee. It is very beneficial to health.

Anyways, Next.

Step #3.

After putting oil or Butter. add 1 Bay Leaf into this. Bay leaf will enhance the chicken flavor.

Step #4.

After adding it. Immediately add chicken. Remember before adding the chicken wash it very well with normal tap water.

Step #5.

Stir it very well. you need to bring the browning effect from the chicken to develop a nice and fleshy flavor.

Give it 10-15 minutes to bring out that flavor. You can divide this time into 2 parts.

Let me tell you, how to do it ... Stick to this article.

Note: The gas should be on High Flame.

If the chicken is sticking in your cooker. This is perfectly fine. Because once you will add water in this, it will all be removed automatically.

Step #6.

Now cover the lid on the pressure cooker.

Remember: not the pressure cooker lid. just cover any other lid. you don't need to pressure cook the chicken at this time.

Step #7.

Cook it for some 4-5 Minutes. stir it very well.

Step #8.

Now to this add salt according to your taste. I recommend you that don't put the salt too much. now stir well.

Step #9.

Now put the lid again and cook it for more 4-5 Minutes. You just need to cook it properly.

Now if you are wondering and asking yourself-

"What am I doing this.? I want to make chicken soup and this guy is making me fool. just asking me to roast the chicken."

Ha Ha Ha!!!

Well, Guys don't worry. and trust me, this process is very necessary for this recipe. You guys will understand only after making it completely.

So follow me and take a look at the next step.

The Maillard Reaction is now done.


Step #10.

Now uncover the lid and add 1.5 Ltr Water. No That's not too much. because you will cook it till it remains only 1 Ltr.

Just lower the gas flame and let it be pressure cooked for 20-25 Minutes.

Note: The Flame should be the lowest.

Step #11.

Let the chicken cook very leisurely. Meanwhile, you can cut your vegetables such as Carrots, Spring Onions, Beans, Garlic, Ginger, Corns, Spinach and whatever vegetables you have in the kitchen.

homemade chicken soup recipe

If you have Broccolli, Cabbage or Cauliflower. It will be great.

Cut all vegetables very roughly. You don't need finely chopped vegetables.

Step #12.

Now, wait for the chicken to be cooked properly in the pressure cooker.

As I said above it will take about 20-25 Minutes.

After 20 Minutes

homemade chicken soup recipe

"21 Steps of Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe From Scratch [Healthy]"

Step #13.

Now turn off the gas and allow the cooker to cool down a little bit. Do not hurry.

Step #14.

Once done, open the cooker lid.

Aaah! Now, you have the nice and healthy homemade chicken stock. This stock contains all the chicken flavor and all the important nutrients of the chicken.

Step #15.

Now do one thing, Just Strain this chicken stock or chicken broth in another Bowl or Pan. Basically, you need to separate the chicken from the stock.

Now 1 Tip: I suggest that it would be great if you separate the meat from the chicken bones. If you use the bones, there is no problem at all.

But it is good to separate the flesh from the bones.

Because you know that bones really irritate and distract us while we eat the chicken soup. It's not a good experience. I am sure you are agreed with me.

So just separate the flesh using a fork or Knife.

And anyway, all of the crucial benefits of bones have already melted in this chicken soup recipe.

Step #16.

Now add all the chicken stock in the cooker again. and turn on the gas. Do not worry at all folks, you don't need to cook it for very much time now.

You just have to remove the rawness of the vegetables, so they will have to cook a little?

Step #17.

Add all the vegetables in the stock. carrots and spring onions should go first. then add beans, cauliflower, and broccoli, corns, spinach, spring onions. And do not forget to add Ginger and Garlic.

Note: The gas should be on medium-high flame.

Cook it for more 8-10 Minutes.

Remember to cover the lid on cooker.- Not the pressure cooker lid.

Step #18.

Once done, add all the separated chicken meat in the stock. and play the game of stirring.

Step #19.

To enhance the flavor and the taste of this homemade chicken soup recipe from scratch, you need to add 1 tsp of black pepper powder now.

if you want you can put very little sugar in the soup. it is not necessary but completely optional.

Step #20.

Now do one thing. Take an egg. yes, just 1 egg is enough.

Whisk it properly. and pour the egg in the boiling soup. don't forget to stir the soup while pouring the egg.

Your soup is almost done.

You can add soy sauce at this moment if you want to.

Step #21.

If you want to make this soup a restaurant-style soup. You can implement this simple trick.

Take a small cup and put 1 Tbsp Cornflour and 1 Tbsp water in it. Now Mix it well.

Pour this slurry into the soup directly while stirring the soup.

(Stirring is Important otherwise, the lumps can be formed in it.)

After adding it, you will notice that the cornstarch slurry will do its magic and will turn the soup nicely thick.

Now, Stir... Stir... Stir...

And now switch off the gas. Oh Yes! You have made it.

Your homemade chicken soup recipe from scratch is done...

Take a nice serving bowl and pour your tasty and easy chicken soup in it. You can garnish it with some coriander leaves or some mint leaves. and if you like, you can garnish it with some chili flakes.

Now Serve Hot!!!

homemade chicken soup recipe from scratch
21 Steps of Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe From Scratch [Healthy]

Guys, honestly tell, is this soup as that hard to make as you think? No right? I Know...

This soup is not only super easy to make and, but it is also one of the healthiest soups on the planet that we can make right now.

I'll tell you how...

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Benefits of Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe:

This chicken soup recipe that I have shared with you today. It has numerous health benefits. Let us go through them.

Are You Suffering From Any Blood Pressure Problem?

homemade chicken soup recipe

The Consumption of this healthy chicken soup can easily control your Blood Pressure. There are many types of research and studies say that eating chicken daily can help us to control blood pressure.

So ultimately, this soup becomes very useful for them who are prone to several BP issues.

Do You Want To Fasten Up Your Weight Loss Journey?

homemade chicken soup recipe

Yes, Guys This homemade chicken soup really helps to burn the excessive fat from the fatty belly.

Apart from that, all the nutritious and healthy vegetables you add to this soup will make the soup even more nutritious and your weight loss journey will increase even more.

Do You Always Suffer From Cold And Cough?

homemade chicken soup recipe from scratch

If this Question is related to you, then now you have a great sword which will kill all the bad bacterias and outside invaders who enter the body. these bacterias cause cough and cold.

and the sword is a bowl of homemade chicken soup.

I know it sounds a little Kiddish. but it is okay :)

This is the best chicken soup recipe for a cold.

Are You Troubled By Weak Bones?

homemade chicken soup recipe from scratch

If you are a person who has crossed 40 years of age. then this is the common problem. Do not worry.

This soup is a must-have for you. because this homemade chicken soup recipe from scratch has chicken bones. it will help you to strengthen your bones. You have to give it a try.

Do You Know:

In so many countries people consume a dish called Bone Broth. it is basically made of bones.

Bone broth is a fluid consisting of powdered bones and connective tissue. To make bone broth, people use bones of cows, buffaloes, chickens, and even fishes.

homemade chicken soup recipe

The homemade chicken soup recipe is the quite matching recipe with the bone broth. Just we have added some extra ingredients and some extra flavor and spices to make this soup tasty.

Some parts of the chicken are more nutritious and healthier than the flesh of the chicken. and the bones are one of those parts.

Cooking chicken with the bones takes more time than cooking chicken meat only. But eating chicken with bones can provide so many health benefits.

Some Questions:

#1. Can I Use The Whole Chicken In This Healthy Soup Recipe?

Yes, you can use the whole chicken. but it will not be that healthy as I have told you above in this article. No doubt, It will taste delicious.

But if you want this homemade chicken soup recipe to be healthy then do not use the whole chicken. Just use those chicken pieces which are a little cheaper ones.

#2. Can I Freeze This Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe From Scratch?

Of course, you can definitely freeze it. But keep in mind that do not freeze it for more than 2 days. There is no problem if you do that by the way. but you need to eat this soup as fresh as you can.

#3. Can I Skip Some Of The Veggies From This Chicken Soup Recipe?

A BIG NO. Guys, Please do not skip any of the veggies that I have mentioned in the ingredients list above. If you do not have all the veggies at the moment, it is okay.

But try to put them all. Rather I would say add some more various vegetables to it.

#4. How Many Times In A Day Do I Need To Consume This Chicken Soup To Take Full Advantage Of It?

At least, twice a day. And during winter, this soup should be consumed 3 times a day compulsorily.

#5. What To Do If My Soup Is Too Thick?

Simple... Just add some water to the soup. But remember, check the consistency of the soup while adding water.

and if you think that your soup is little thinner then pour some cornstarch slurry.

Final Words:

Guys, I really hope that you have liked this recipe. I have covered all the main topics in this article. If you are a fitness lover or a health-conscious person then you have to try this soup recipe.

It really deserves your attention.

Now you have the full recipe of chicken soup. then what are you waiting for?

Get up fast. go to your kitchen, cut all your vegetables, and make this homemade chicken soup recipe from scratch for yourself and for your loved ones.

I am gonna share some more unique chicken soup recipes on my blog very soon. Plus I have some healthy soup recipes for weight loss also. so make sure you bookmark my blog.

If you have any complaints or suggestions or would like to share some Healthy Soup Recipes that you have then please share it with me on my  Instagram and Facebook.

I'll see you in the next article. Bookmark this blog because more easy soup recipes will be coming on this blog. long way to go.

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